The Visitor Management System

Our Visitor Management System automates the handling of visitors to facilitate reception duties and enhance the security of company premises. By preventing unauthorized access and providing a seamless evacuation list in case of emergencies, we ensure that the company can manage its visitors efficiently.

A professional reception of guests is crucial for building long-term relationships, and our Visitor Management System can be customized to match the company’s branding with logos, colors, and slogans to create a unique experience. With smart and straightforward features, we not only make it easier for visitors but also for your staff.

Visitor is a simple and efficient solution for registering and managing visitors. Regardless of the company’s size, our system offers increased security and meets all needs for controlling who is on the premises. With a comprehensive solution that handles all steps before, during, and after the visit, we guarantee a secure and efficient visitor process for your organization.

How it Works:

Before the Visit:

– Invitations are usually created via Visitor Web or seamlessly integrated with Office 365. A calendar invitation is sent to the visitor with an automatic welcome email, which can be customized with information such as directions and parking. To facilitate check-in, Visitor also sends a reminder to the visitor shortly before the visit, ensuring that the visitor has the QR code available upon arrival.

Upon Arrival:

– The visitor registers their arrival by scanning their QR code at a self-service terminal. A visitor badge is printed, and the host receives an SMS or email notification that the visitor has arrived. The visitor is also presented with rules and GDPR information that must be accepted before the visit. Any permissions such as parking or WIFI access are automatically granted upon arrival. If access through a locked door is needed, the visitor can open it with a QR code reader or via integration with the access control system using a PIN code.

During and After the Visit:

– In an emergency, an evacuation list can be easily generated with information about all visitors. At the end of the visit, the visitor checks out by scanning the QR code on the visitor badge. The visitor badge can then be placed in a lockable mailbox or designed to become unreadable after 24 hours.


– The self-service terminal is suitable for both unmanned and manned receptions to minimize waiting times and inform visitors about rules. The receptionist can easily search the visitor list and check in visitors with a single click, both individually and for groups. For unplanned visits, the visitor can be registered directly via the self-service terminal or by the receptionist.

Why Choose a Visitor Management System?

  1. Increase Security: A visitor management system enhances security by managing and controlling visitor access to the company premises. By preregistering visitors and managing visitor badges, the system ensures that only authorized persons gain entry.
  2. Preregister Visitors: By preregistering visitors, the company can plan and prepare for their arrival. This reduces the risk of unexpected and unplanned visits and facilitates their handling upon arrival.
  3. Manage Visitor Badges: The visitor management system simplifies the management of visitor badges by automating their printing and distribution. This ensures that visitors can be easily identified and granted the appropriate access permissions.
  4. Administer Visitors: By administering visitors in a visitor management system, the company can efficiently manage their arrival, check-in, and check-out. This contributes to a smoother and more professional visitor process.
  5. Professional Reception: A visitor management system enables a professional reception of visitors by creating a structured and organized visitor environment. This gives a positive impression of the company and contributes to good relationships with visitors and business contacts.

The “Visitor Basic (Reception)” Package

Includes everything you need for a smooth start:

  • Software: Visitor Reception to manage your visitors.
  • Label Printer: To print visitor badges on-site.
  • QR Scanner: For easy visitor check-in with QR codes.
  • Label Roll: A roll of 500 labels for printing visitor badges.
  • Plastic Holders: 100 pieces to protect and carry visitor badges.
  • Crocodile Clips: 100 pieces with strips to attach visitor badges to clothing or bags.

With this package, you are ready to efficiently manage visitors at your reception.

The “Premium (Reception + Guest)” Perfect for those who want an unmanned reception or allow visitors to check in themselves to facilitate reception duties.


  • Software Visitor Basic (Reception): To manage visits at the reception.
  • Software Visitor Premium (Guest): For self-service visitor check-in.
  • Label Printer: For printing visitor badges and labels.
  • QR Scanner: For easy check-in with QR codes.
  • Label Roll: A roll of 500 labels for printing visitor badges.
  • Plastic Holders: 100 pieces to protect and carry visitor badges.
  • Crocodile Clips: 100 pieces with strips to attach visitor badges to clothing or bags.

With this package, you get a complete solution for efficiently managing visitors both at the reception and through self-service check-in.

The “Enterprise (Reception + Guest + Web)” Package – Fully equipped with all modules for preregistration of visits via the web and self-check-in.


  • Software Visitor Basic (Reception): For handling visits at the reception.
  • Software Visitor Premium (Guest): For self-service visitor check-in.
  • Software Visitor Enterprise (Web): For web-based preregistration of visits.
  • Label Printer: For printing visitor badges and labels.
  • QR Scanner: For easy check-in with QR codes.
  • Label Roll: A roll of 500 labels for printing visitor badges.
  • Plastic Holders: 100 pieces to protect and carry visitor badges.
  • Crocodile Clips: 100 pieces with strips to attach visitor badges to clothing or bags.

With this package, you get a comprehensive solution that allows preregistration of visits via the web and self-check-in at the reception, which streamlines and simplifies visitor management.

Customize Functionality with Plug-ins and Add-on Modules

Thanks to the modular system, you can start with the basic model that includes all necessary core functions. As needs grow, you can easily expand functionality with add-on modules, such as for self-check-in. This is practical when visitors register themselves upon arrival or when you want an unmanned reception system. With add-on modules, there are endless possibilities to customize the system to your company’s specific needs. For example, you can automate the allocation of WiFi access, control connected technical equipment like doors and turnstiles, and more. The system can also be configured for SMS notifications to visitors and hosts.

The program is also used by the receptionist in manned receptions. In the Visitor Reception program, all information about the company’s upcoming, ongoing, and completed visits is gathered in a database. From the reception section, you can easily print visitor badges, parking permits, compile reports, manage statistics, and remotely open doors and gates. Visitor is also integrated into the RCO M5 access system, which allows giving visitors temporary access during their visit and automatically transferring hosts from the access system.

Evacuation Lists

The evacuation list can be customized to meet your needs to get a complete overview of who is on the premises in case of a crisis. The list can be distributed via email, SMS, or printed directly from the reception section.

Smart Notifications

With smart notifications, visitors can be informed via SMS, email, or both during the booking of the visit. The content of the notification can be easily edited directly in the program to suit your specific needs.

Report with Statistics

With Visitor Reception, you can create reports with statistics about visit history, which facilitates the planning of reception work and provides insights to optimize operations.

Prebooking via Office 365

Through our integration with Office 365, you can easily prebook your meetings directly in Outlook and invite participants in one place, making planning smoother and more efficient.

SSG Integration

With our SSG integration, you can ensure that the check-in is simple and that all safety aspects are met by verifying valid training and information about contractors in SSG’s database. This is a highly requested and appreciated feature that helps increase the safety and efficiency of your processes.

Health Declarations and Contact Tracing

During pandemics or epidemics, it is crucial to inform visitors about new rules and guidelines to reduce the risk of disease spread. Our platform offers a health declaration function that allows you to communicate important health guidelines and track potential outbreaks. This is especially useful in industries like the food industry and has gained increased relevance in various contexts during ongoing pandemics.


In Visitor, you can ensure GDPR compliance by requiring visitors to accept your GDPR terms, including the storage of their data in connection with the visit and the possible storage of CCTV images for security reasons. Additionally, we offer anonymization features that give you control over how long you want to store data.

Blazing Fast Search Function

With our blazing-fast search function, you can quickly and easily find the desired information, significantly reducing administrative work. Create return visits in just a few seconds and streamline your operations.

Check-in and Check-out with QR

To make check-in and check-out smoother, a QR code can be sent via SMS or email in connection with the visit booking. This makes the process faster and more convenient for both visitors and staff.