Why Project Delta?

Project DELTA aim to develop a common needs-based structure that clarifies and provides relevant expertise and resources to schools based on working life and needs of the school within subjects Mathematics, Engineering, IT, Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Project DELTA Blekinge will make it easier for schools to transform mathematics, science and engineering theories to practical understanding for students. This is expected to help develop students’ knowledge and their willingness / interest, skill and ability to a more complete skills that better match labor market skills needs.
Project DELTA has an important role bringing schools and companies together with a online based platform, to get a better understanding of eachother and the needs in the future, aswell as reduce the gap between knowledge. Project DELTA intend to bring companies and school together in different ways such as lectures, matchmaking and company visits.
We are a partner in Project DELTA, we want share our knowledge and competence within our field wich is RFID and security systems.
The partnership will not only benefit companies locally but will have a positive impact regionally, Says (image) Fredrik Martinson, CTO and co-owner of Areff Systems AB Ronneby and involved in the project.
– Bringing schools and businesses closer together is crucial to motivate students to become interested in engineering and technology. The students get a clear image to how the technology-oriented bransch works, it´s a win win situation for students and teachers, says Fredrik Martinsson
At the same time, the project provides an opportunity for companies to showcase their business. – It is an brilliant way to market the company and in some way inspire students to look for internship at companies like ourself.
Delta Blekinge is not only important for businesses locally, but has a role regionally aswell. I firmly believe in this idea. It is not the platform as a technical solution that will be the center but the purpose and what we achieve with the platform. The IT-based platform is ofcource a important tool for this, says Fredrik Martinsson.